Thank you for registering to use the reading comprehension tutor from Texas A&M University. We are making these resources available to you as we face challenges due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Please provide a contact email for an adult to receive the login credentials for the system.
You will also receive access to videos showing your child how to read and generate main ideas, summaries, and inferences.
You will have access to lessons in English and Spanish. These resources were produced through grant funding from the
US Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences through grants to Texas A&M University (R305A180060, R305A150057).
Please address any questions about these materials to Dr. Kay Wijekumar,
Please let us know if we may assist you in any way.
Do you already have an account?
Please fix the following errors:
To verify your identity please enter your username and password for your existing account
Student Information
School Information
* Select a School
School Lookup
Search for a district by entering at least 4 characters into the box below and selecting one of the results that appears. If no results appear or your district isn't listed click on the checkbox below.
To search for a school enter at least 4 characters and click on one of the results that appear. If no results appear or your school isn't listed click on the checkbox below.
Registration Received
Thank you for submitting your registration request. Please check your email for further information.
We respond to Contact Us requests Monday through Friday between 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CT. Requests received outside of those hours will be answered during the next business day.